Car Parking at our Parish Church

St Columba’s Parish Church has a small car park located on the church grounds, which fills quickly during busy services.

We have a small car park on the church grounds which fills quickly during busy services.

We ask that you use it to maximum capacity by carefully parking.

We respectfully request that parishioners and visitors to our parish park in a considerate way by not blocking entrances to the homes of our neighbours.

It is also very important to leave a clear road available for emergency vehicles which may need to pass at speed while a service is taking place.

Cones have been placed to assist with considerate parking and we ask that they are not moved.

PLEASE make sure that vehicles can pull out of driveways safely and have enough space to see each direction, and do not park tight to the hedge as pedestrians legally need the space of a double buggy to walk past parked vehicles.

Police can leave tickets on badly parked vehicles.

Remember – being late for church is not a viable excuse for poor parking!

Thank you.

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