If you would like to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, providing church flowers is a way if creating a visual memory. Our Church Flowers Organiser, Eleanor Launchbury (02890 281204) would be delighted to assist with your requirements.
Eleanor is also available to assist and guide with floral tributes for funerals and wedding flowers.
On Sundays, a member of our reading team will read the Old Testament or New Testament at each service. This is a wonderful way to assist, if you have confidence, enthusiasm and a talent for public speaking! We particularly encourage our younger parishioners to read at the family services, and our congregation are enthusiastic about encouraging them.
We are always looking for Sound Technicians to assist with our sound system in church. No experience is necessary as full training and instructions will be given. You will be able to record church services, load them onto our website and make sure that the congregation can hear clearly during services in our church building.
If you would like to start a new group, we welcome your interest. New groups and organisations thrive in our parish, and with the right leadership in place we would love to grow our parish!
We are especially interested in those who would like to lead our young people’s groups – Doves, Brownies, Cubs etc. Please contact the Rector to discuss how you can help.