Meeting monthly in a local eatery, Pause allows us to come together over coffee and a scone for a chat and catchup whilst also supporting local businesses. Details of meetings are available in our Columban magazine or by contacting Eileen Anderson (02890 203684)
Men’s Forum meet on Monday evenings in the Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Led by John Robb, (tel: 07956 061929), the group meet for various activities, chat and refreshments.
Anyone interested in trying out this new group should come along and experience the friendship and kindness of the members.
Thursdays 9.30am contact mentor Roy Williamson (02890 659598)
Our Art Club are a busy group, meeting on Thursday mornings in the Church Hall. They enjoy each other’s company while learning new skills, and they produce both our Parish Christmas card design as well as hosting Art Exhibitions to raise funds for our parish. Come along and see what they do!
Mondays 2.30pm Contact David Beattie (02890 285868)
This group have rooms in the lower church hall dedicated to the construction of model railways and other model kits. They enjoy building model kits and creating scenes to display their models, from WW2 aircraft to trains and even a model shipyard! They host visitors, guest speakers and exhibitions as advertised in our Columban! Everyone is welcome to visit or join!
1st Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm Contact Barbara Laverty (02895 738743)
Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership movement supporting families and communities in need whilst offering Christian care, regardless of faith or background. Members do not need to be mothers, or even women! Everyone is welcome.
2nd Monday of each month at 2.30pm Contact Joy Montgomery (02890 295427)
Part of Mothers’ Union, this group meet in the afternoon to enjoy fellowship and friendship, as well as supporting the work of MU. For those who prefer daytime activities, this is the perfect group for you!
Except 1st Tuesday of each month Contact Maureen Irwin (02890 795155)
If you enjoy some exercise among friends, then this a group to consider! The Activity Group enjoy meeting for walks in the local area, and some indoor keep-fit activities also. They are a group of people who make the best use of their time together, strengthening friendships and enjoy meeting new people. Come along and see for yourself!
Hoping to recommence soon in line with easing of Covid restrictions
Tuesday mornings 10.30am – 12noon (contact Gillian Popplestone 02890 803799)
This group enjoys physical exercise and meets weekly. They would welcome new members to help make up teams, regardless of experience. Everyone is welcome!
Our Bible Study Group meets on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30pm – 4.00pm
Each week, they study a section from the Bible and discuss its importance to our daily lives.
Refreshments are served, and everyone is welcome!
3rd Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm in Church or Church Hall
contact: Mrs Eileen Anderson Mob: 07443 470384
Ladies Guild is a vibrant and exciting group who meet to enjoy guest speakers, support charities, to share ideas and fellowship. There is always plenty to do, see or hear in a friendly and welcoming environment.
Choir rehearsal Sundays at 9.30am contact Dr Joe McKee (07976 294574)
Our Parish Choir supports and strengthens worship at our church services. Under the dedicated and professional guidance of Dr Joe McKee, anyone who enjoys singing at any level – from beginners to professional – is welcome to join in. The Parish Choir is robed on Sundays for the services and leads the congregation with hymn and psalm singing. The Choir, with other guest musicians, also performs an annual concert, which is always a much-anticipated date in the church diary!
We. Anyone who can play an instrument is welcome to have a chat with Joe, and arrange to join the group.