Following many years dedicated and conscientious service to our parish Dr. Ivan Roche has retired as our Webmaster. On behalf of St. Columba’s and myself I thank Ivan for all his hard work and support over many years creating, designing and maintaining our parish website which was recently relaunched.
Our website is an essential parish resource which keeps parishioners and visitors updated with current news and developments. In addition the audio recording of our 10.30am service is available each week for those unable to attend St. Columba’s.
Ivan has now decided to retire from this position due to his work commitments.
I welcome his successor Dr. Jonathan Stewart who is well known to us as a former Churchwarden. Jonathan is a current member of the Select Vestry. I wish him every success in this important role. I am most grateful to Jonathan for accepting this position in our parish. Ivan will kindly be assisting Jonathan during these coming weeks.
The Rector